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Metric Halo MH MultibandExpander v4 (Digital produkt)

Multiband Expander by Metric Halo is a powerful plugin designed to manage, suppress, and control noise in your audio tracks with unparalleled precision. This tool is particularly useful for handling noise in guitar tracks, vocals, and other...
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2,029,41 kr
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Plug-Ins för effekter Metric Halo MH MultibandExpander v4 (Digital produkt)

Metric Halo MH MultibandExpander v4 (Digital produkt)

2,029,41 kr

Produktkod: 1041-40 | ID: 1142473

Metric Halo MH MultibandExpander v4 (Digital produkt)

Multiband Expander by Metric Halo is a powerful plugin designed to manage, suppress, and control noise in your audio tracks with unparalleled precision. This tool is particularly useful for handling noise in guitar tracks, vocals, and other instruments, ensuring a clean and polished final output.

The Multiband Expander employs a three-way phase-coherent crossover network to direct audio to three independent expanders, each handling low, mid, and high frequencies separately. This allows for precise noise suppression below specified thresholds without affecting the desired signal.

Key features of Multiband Expander v4 include:

  • Three Independent Band Expanders: Each band (low, mid, high) has its own expander, allowing detailed control over different frequency ranges.
  • Comprehensive Band Linking: Ensures coherence and balance across the frequency spectrum.
  • Dynamic Transfer Function: Provides visual representation of the overall response, aiding in fine-tuning adjustments.
  • SpectraFoo Spectrum Analysis: Built-in spectral analysis tool for real-time monitoring and precise adjustments.
  • Scalable Gain Reduction Meters: Customizable meters for live monitoring of gain reduction levels.
  • Extensive Presets: Includes a variety of presets to help you get started quickly with different types of audio material.
  • Adjustable UI Size: The user interface can be resized to fit different screen resolutions and user preferences.
  • Cross-platform Preset Manager: Ensures consistent preset management across different DAWs and platforms.

Multiband Expander v4 is an essential tool for achieving clarity and control in your mixes, ensuring your audio maintains a professional and noise-free output.


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