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Waves Kramer Master Tape (Digital produkt)

Waves Kramer Master Tape is a tape saturation plugin that emulates the warm, rich sound of classic analog tape machines. Inspired by Eddie Kramer's love for tape, this plugin adds subtle harmonic distortion, saturation, and compression to your...
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341,02 kr
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Plug-Ins för effekter Waves Kramer Master Tape (Digital produkt)

Waves Kramer Master Tape (Digital produkt)

341,02 kr

Produktkod: 1178-2865 | ID: 1138766

Waves Kramer Master Tape (Digital produkt)

Waves Kramer Master Tape is a tape saturation plugin that emulates the warm, rich sound of classic analog tape machines. Inspired by Eddie Kramer's love for tape, this plugin adds subtle harmonic distortion, saturation, and compression to your tracks, giving them a vintage analog vibe.

Key Features:

  • Authentic Tape Saturation: Models the saturation characteristics of different tape formulations, including Normal, Thick, and Crunchy, for a variety of tonal options.
  • Wow and Flutter: Adds subtle pitch and speed fluctuations to your audio, emulating the imperfections of analog tape machines.
  • Noise Control: Dial in the desired amount of tape noise for added realism and vintage character.
  • Simple Interface: The plugin's intuitive layout makes it easy to adjust the amount of saturation, wow and flutter, and noise to taste.
  • Versatile Applications: Can be used on individual tracks, buses, or the entire mix to add warmth, depth, and analog character.

Applications: Ideal for adding warmth and character to drums, vocals, bass, guitars, synths, and even the entire mix. It's a versatile tool for achieving a classic analog sound in your digital productions.


Parametrar och specifikationer



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Plug-in-format som stöds



Krav på maskinvara

8 GB RAM, 16 GB HD